Values and Types
Basic Types
Provides introduction to basic Stream app attribute types which are int
, long
, float
, double
, string
, and object
, and some key functions such as convert()
, instanceOf...()
, and cast()
In Stream apps, other types such as list, map, etc, should be passed as object
into streams. For more information on other types refer other examples under Values and Types section.
For information on values, and other useful functions, refer the Stream Query Guide.
-- Defines `PatientRegistrationInputStream` having information in all primitive types.
CREATE STREAM PatientRegistrationInputStream (
seqNo long, name string, age int,
height float, weight double, photo object,
isEmployee bool, wardNo object);
-- Defines the resulting `PatientRegistrationStream` after processing.
CREATE STREAM PatientRegistrationStream (
seqNo long, name string, age int,
height double, weight double, photo object,
isPhotoString bool, isEmployee bool,
wardNo int);
@info(name = 'Type-processor')
insert into PatientRegistrationStream
select seqNo, name, age,
-- `convert()` used to convert `float` type to `double`.
convert(height, 'double') as height,
weight, photo,
-- `instanceOfString()` checks if the photo is an instance of `string`.
instanceOfString(photo) as isPhotoString,
-- `cast()` cast the value of wardNo to `int`.
cast(wardNo, 'int') as wardNo
from PatientRegistrationInputStream;
Below event is sent to PatientRegistrationInputStream
, 'Peter Johnson'
, 34
, 194.3f
, 69.6
, #Fjoiu59%3hkjnknk$#nFT
, true
, 34
Here, assume that the content of the photo (#Fjoiu59%3hkjnknk$#nFT
) is binary.
After processing, the event arriving at PatientRegistrationStream
will be as follows:
, 'Peter Johnson'
, 34
, 194.3
, 69.6
, #Fjoiu59%3hkjnknk$#nFT
, false
, true
, 34
Provides examples on basic map functions provided via map extension.
For information of performing scatter and gather using map:tokenize()
, and map:collect()
refer the examples in Data Pipelining section. The information on all map functions is here.
-- Defines `CoupleDealInfoStream` having attributes `item1`, `price1`, `item2`, and `price2` with `string` and `double` types.
CREATE STREAM CoupleDealInfoStream ( item1 string, price1 double, item2 string, price2 double);
@info(name = 'Create-map')
-- Create a map with values of `item1` and `item2` as keys, and `price1` and `price2` as values.
insert into NewMapStream
select map:create(item1, price1, item2, price2) as itemPriceMap
from CoupleDealInfoStream;
@info(name = 'Check-map')
-- Check if `itemPriceMap` is a Map.
insert into MapAnalysisStream
select map:isMap(itemPriceMap) as isMap,
-- Check if `itemPriceMap` contains a key `'Cookie'`.
map:containsKey(itemPriceMap, 'Cookie')
as isCookiePresent,
-- Check if `itemPriceMap` contains a value `24.0`.
map:containsValue(itemPriceMap, 24.0)
as isThereItemWithPrice24,
-- Check if `itemPriceMap` is empty.
map:isEmpty(itemPriceMap) as isEmpty,
-- Get all keys of `itemPriceMap` as a List.
map:keys(itemPriceMap) as keys,
-- Get size of `itemPriceMap`.
map:size(itemPriceMap) as size
from NewMapStream;
@info(name = 'Clone-and-update')
-- Clone `itemPriceMap`, put `Gift` key with value `1.0` to it, and replace `Cake` key with value `12.0`.
insert into ItemInsertedMapStream
select map:replace(
12.0) as itemPriceMap
from NewMapStream;
Below event is sent to CoupleDealInfoStream
, 18.0
, 'Ice Cream'
, 24.0
After processing, the following events will be arriving at each stream:
- NewMapStream:
[{Ice Cream=24.0, Chocolate =18.0}
] - MapAnalysisStream:
,[Ice Cream, Chocolate]
] - ItemInsertedMapStream:
[{Ice Cream=24.0, Gift=1.0, Chocolate =18.0}
Provides examples on basic list functions provided via list extension.
For information of performing scatter and gather using list:tokenize()
, and list:collect()
refer the examples in Data Pipelining section. The information on all list functions is here.
-- Defines `ProductComboStream` having `string` type attributes `product1`, `product2`, and `product3`.
CREATE STREAM ProductComboStream ( product1 string, product2 string, product3 string);
@info(name = 'Create-list')
-- Create a list with values of `product1`, `product2`, and `product3`.
insert into NewListStream
select list:create(product1, product2, product3)
as productList
from ProductComboStream;
@info(name = 'Check-list')
-- Check if `productList` is a List.
insert into ListAnalysisStream
select list:isList(productList) as isList,
-- Check if `productList` contains `'Cake'`.
list:contains(productList, 'Cake')
as isCakePresent,
-- Check if `productList` is empty.
list:isEmpty(productList) as isEmpty,
-- Get the value at index `1` from `productList` .
list:get(productList, 1) as valueAt1,
-- Get size of `productList`.
list:size(productList) as size
from NewListStream;
@info(name = 'Clone-and-update')
-- Clone `productList`, add `Toffee` to the end of the list, and remove `Cake` from the list.
insert into UpdatedListStream
select list:remove(
list:add(list:clone(productList), "Toffee"),
"Cake") as productList
from NewListStream;
Below event is sent to ProductComboStream
['Ice Cream'
, 'Chocolate'
, 'Cake'
After processing, the following events will be arriving at each stream:
- NewListStream:
[[Ice Cream, Chocolate, Cake]
] - ListAnalysisStream:
] - UpdatedListStream:
[[Ice Cream, Chocolate, Toffee]
Provides examples on using nulls in Stream Apps.
For more information refer the Stream Query Guide.
CREATE STREAM ProductInputStream (item string, price double);
-- Empty `ProductInfoTable` with attributes `item` and `discount`.
CREATE TABLE ProductInfoTable (item string, discount double);
@info(name = 'Check-for-null')
-- Checks if `price` contains `null` value.
insert into ProductValidationStream
select item, price is null as isPriceNull
-- Filter events with `item` not having `null` value.
from ProductInputStream [not(item is null)];
@info(name = 'Outer-join-with-table')
insert into DiscountValidationStream
select s.item, s.price,,
-- Check if `math:power()` returns `null`.
math:power(, 2) is null
as isFunctionReturnsNull,
-- Check if streams `t` and `s` are `null`.
t is null as isTNull,
s is null as isSNull,
-- Check if streams attributes `` and `s.item` are `null`. is null as isTDiscountNull,
s.item is null as isSItemNull
from ProductInputStream as s
left outer join ProductInfoTable as t
on s.item == t.item;
Below event is sent to ProductInputStream
, 12.0
After processing, the following events will be arriving at each stream:
- ProductValidationStream:
] - DiscountValidationStream: