Document Store Example
This page provides an example of how to create and use a document store using code.
Assume the following credentials for this example:
- Tenant name is
. - User password is
SDK download
- Python
- Javascript
pyC8 requires Python 3.5+. Python 3.6 or higher is recommended
To install pyC8, simply run
$ pip3 install pyC8
or, if you prefer to use conda:
conda install -c conda-forge pyC8
or pipenv:
pipenv install --pre pyC8
Once the installation process is finished, you can begin developing applications in Python.
With Yarn or NPM
yarn add jsc8
npm install jsc8
If you want to use the SDK outside of the current directory, you can also install it globally using the `--global` flag:
npm install --global jsc8
From source,
git clone
cd jsC8
npm install
npm run dist
Connect to GDN
The first step in using GDN is to establish a connection to a region. When this code executes, it initializes the server connection to the *closest region to your location.
- Python
- Javascript
from c8 import C8Client
HOST = ''
PASSWORD = 'xxxxx'
GEOFABRIC = '_system'
print("--- Connecting to C8")
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=HOST, port=443,
email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD,
const jsc8 = require("jsc8");
const fabric = "_system";
const client = new jsc8({
url: "",
fabricName: fabric
// Or use one of the following authentication methods and remove the commenting.
// Create an authenticated instance with a JWT token.
// const clientUsingJwt = new jsc8({url: "" , token: "XXXX" , fabricName: fabric});
// Create an authenticated instance with an API key.
// const clientUsingApiKey = new jsc8({url: "" , apiKey: "XXXX" , fabricName: fabric });
Get GeoFabric Details
To get details of fabric,
- Python
- Javascript
from c8 import C8Client
HOST = ''
EMAIL = ''
PASSWORD = 'xxxxx'
GEOFABRIC = '_system'
print("--- Connecting to C8")
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=HOST, port=443,
email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD,
print("Getting GeoFabric details...")
const jsc8 = require("jsc8");
// Email and password to authenticate client instance
const email = "";
const password = "xxxxxx";
const fabric = "_system";
const client = new jsc8({
url: "",
fabricName: fabric
// Or use one of the following authentication methods and remove the commenting.
// Create an authenticated instance with a JWT token.
// const clientUsingJwt = new jsc8({url: "" , token: "XXXX" , fabricName: fabric});
// Create an authenticated instance with an API key.
// const clientUsingApiKey = new jsc8({url: "" , apiKey: "XXXX" , fabricName: fabric });
function messageHandler (error) {
const message = {
"StatusCode ": error.statusCode,
"ErrorMessage ": error.message,
"ErrorNum ": error.errorNum
async function getFabric () {
await client
.login(email, password)
.then(() => console.log("1. User authentication done!"))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("2. Getting the details of fabric: " + fabric);
await client
.then((fabricDetails) => console.log(fabricDetails))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
Create Collection
We can now create collection in the fabric. To do this, first you connect to fabric and then create a collection called employees
The below example shows the steps.
- Python
- Javascript
from c8 import C8Client
HOST = ''
EMAIL = ''
PASSWORD = 'xxxxx'
GEOFABRIC = '_system'
COLLECTION_NAME = 'employees'
print("--- Connecting to C8")
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=HOST, port=443,
email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD,
print("Creating collection…")
client.create_collection(name=COLLECTION_NAME, stream=True)
const jsC8 = require("jsc8");
// Email and password to authenticate client instance
const email = "";
const password = "xxxxxx";
const fabric = "_system";
const collectionName = "employees";
const client = new jsC8({
url: "",
fabricName: fabric
// Or use one of the following authentication methods and remove the commenting.
// Create an authenticated instance with a JWT token.
// const clientUsingJwt = new jsc8({url: "" , token: "XXXX" , fabricName: fabric});
// Create an authenticated instance with an API key.
// const clientUsingApiKey = new jsc8({url: "" , apiKey: "XXXX" , fabricName: fabric });
function messageHandler (error) {
const message = {
"StatusCode ": error.statusCode,
"ErrorMessage ": error.message,
"ErrorNum ": error.errorNum,
async function createCollection () {
await client
.login(email, password)
.then(() => console.log("1. User authentication done!"))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
"2. Creating collection " + collectionName + " in " + fabric + " fabric"
await client
.createCollection(collectionName, {
stream: true,
waitForSync: false,
isLocal: false
.then((collectionDetails) => {
"Collection " + + " created successfully"
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
Create Index
Let's add a hash_index
called emails to our collection employees. Please refer to reference guide for details on other available index types.
- Python
- Javascript
from c8 import C8Client
HOST = ''
EMAIL = ''
PASSWORD = 'xxxxx'
GEOFABRIC = '_system'
COLLECTION_NAME = 'employees'
FIELDS = ['email', 'name']
print("--- Connecting to C8")
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=HOST, port=443,
email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD,
print("Adding hash index...")
client.add_hash_index(COLLECTION_NAME, fields=FIELDS, unique=False)
const jsc8 = require("jsc8");
// Email and password to authenticate client instance
const email = "";
const password = "xxxxxx";
const fabric = "_system";
const collectionName = "employees";
const client = new jsc8({
url: "",
fabricName: fabric
// Or use one of the following authentication methods and remove the commenting.
// Create an authenticated instance with a JWT token.
// const clientUsingJwt = new jsc8({url: "" , token: "XXXX" , fabricName: fabric});
// Create an authenticated instance with an API key.
// const clientUsingApiKey = new jsc8({url: "" , apiKey: "XXXX" , fabricName: fabric });
function messageHandler (error) {
const message = {
"StatusCode ": error.statusCode,
"ErrorMessage ": error.message,
"ErrorNum ": error.errorNum
async function createIndex () {
await client
.login(email, password)
.then(() => console.log("1. User authentication done!"))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
"2. Creating index on collection " +
collectionName +
" in " +
fabric +
" Fabric"
await client
.addHashIndex(collectionName, ["email", "_key"])
.then((hashIndex) => {
console.log("3. Index details: ");
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
Insert Documents
Let's insert documents to the employees collection as shown below.
- Python
- Javascript
from c8 import C8Client
HOST = ''
EMAIL = ''
PASSWORD = 'xxxxx'
GEOFABRIC = '_system'
COLLECTION_NAME = 'employees'
DOCS = [
{'_key':'James', 'firstname': 'James', 'lastname':'Kirk', 'email':''},
{'_key': 'Han', 'firstname': 'Han', 'lastname':'Solo', 'email':''},
{'_key': 'Bruce', 'firstname': 'Bruce', 'lastname':'Wayne', 'email':''}
print("--- Connecting to C8")
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=HOST, port=443,
email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD,
print("Inserting documents...")
client.insert_document(collection_name=COLLECTION_NAME, document=DOCS)
const jsc8 = require("jsc8");
// Email and password to authenticate client instance
const email = "";
const password = "xxxxxx";
const fabric = "_system";
const collectionName = "employees";
const client = new jsc8({
url: "",
fabricName: fabric
// Or use one of the following authentication methods and remove the commenting.
// Create an authenticated instance with a JWT token.
// const clientUsingJwt = new jsc8({url: "" , token: "XXXX" , fabricName: fabric});
// Create an authenticated instance with an API key.
// const clientUsingApiKey = new jsc8({url: "" , apiKey: "XXXX" , fabricName: fabric });
// Variables
const docJean = {
_key: "Jean",
firstname: "Jean",
lastname: "Picard",
email: ""
const docJames = {
_key: "James",
firstname: "James",
lastname: "Kirk",
email: ""
const docHan = {
_key: "Han",
firstname: "Han",
lastname: "Solo",
email: ""
const docBruce = {
_key: "Bruce",
firstname: "Bruce",
lastname: "Wayne",
email: ""
const docs = [docJean, docJames, docHan, docBruce];
function messageHandler (error) {
const message = {
"StatusCode ": error.statusCode,
"ErrorMessage ": error.message,
"ErrorNum ": error.errorNum
async function insertDataInCollection () {
await client
.login(email, password)
.then((e) => console.log("1. User authentication done!"))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("2. Insert documents into collection " + collectionName);
await client
.insertDocumentMany(collectionName, docs)
.then((documentsDetails) => {
console.log("Documents inserted into collection " + collectionName);
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
Query documents using C8QL
C8QL is C8's query language. You can execute C8QL query on our newly created collection employees to get its contents.
The query FOR employee IN employees RETURN employee
is equivalent to SQL's SELECT query.
- Python
- Javascript
from c8 import C8Client
HOST = ''
EMAIL = ''
PASSWORD = 'xxxxx'
GEOFABRIC = '_system'
QUERY = 'FOR employee IN employees RETURN employee'
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=HOST, port=443,
email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD,
cursor = client.execute_query(QUERY)
docs = [document for document in cursor]
print(f"Response from Query: {docs}")
const jsC8 = require("jsc8");
// Email and password to authenticate client instance
const email = "";
const password = "xxxxxx";
const fabric = "_system";
const query = "FOR employee IN employees RETURN employee";
const client = new jsC8({
url: "",
fabricName: fabric
// Or use one of the following authentication methods and remove the commenting.
// Create an authenticated instance with a JWT token.
// const clientUsingJwt = new jsc8({url: "" , token: "XXXX" , fabricName: fabric});
// Create an authenticated instance with an API key.
// const clientUsingApiKey = new jsc8({url: "" , apiKey: "XXXX" , fabricName: fabric });
function messageHandler (error) {
const message = {
"StatusCode ": error.statusCode,
"ErrorMessage ": error.message,
"ErrorNum ": error.errorNum
async function c8Queries() {
await client
.login(email, password)
.then((e) => console.log("1. User authentication done!"))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("2. Executing query");
await client
.then((queryResult) => console.log(queryResult))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
Get realtime updates
Example for real-time updates from a collection in fabric:
Enable the 'Stream' parameter within the collection to get real-time updates.
- Python
- Javascript
from c8 import C8Client
HOST = ''
EMAIL = ''
PASSWORD = 'xxxxx'
GEOFABRIC = '_system'
COLLECTION_NAME = 'employees'
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=HOST, port=443,
email=EMAIL, password=PASSWORD,
def callback_fn(event):
client.on_change(COLLECTION_NAME, callback=callback_fn)
const jsC8 = require("jsc8");
// Email and password to authenticate client instance
const email = "";
const password = "xxxxxx";
const fabric = "_system";
const collectionName = "employees";
const client = new jsC8({
url: "",
fabricName: fabric,
// Or use one of the following authentication methods and remove the commenting.
// Create an authenticated instance with a JWT token.
// const clientUsingJwt = new jsc8({url: "" , token: "XXXX" , fabricName: fabric});
// Create an authenticated instance with an API key.
// const clientUsingApiKey = new jsc8({url: "" , apiKey: "XXXX" , fabricName: fabric });
function messageHandler(error) {
const message = {
"StatusCode ": error.statusCode,
"ErrorMessage ": error.message,
"ErrorNum ": error.errorNum,
async function callback_fn(collection) {
console.log("Connection open on ",;
async function realTimeListener() {
await client
.login(email, password)
.then((e) => console.log("1. User authentication done!"))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
await client
.then((listener) => {
listener.on("message", (msg) => console.log("message=>", msg));
listener.on("open", () => {
callback_fn(collectionName).then((e) => console.log(e));
listener.on("close", () => console.log("connection closed"));
.catch((error) => error);
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
Query as API
Query as API (aka RESTQL) enables developers to quickly convert saved C8QL queries into geo-distributed REST APIs. This eliminates the need for separate backend servers & containers for CRUD operations.
- Python
- Javascript
import time
from c8 import C8Client
GEO_FABRIC = "_system"
VALUE = "INSERT {'firstname':@firstname, 'lastname':@lastname, 'email':@email, 'zipcode':@zipcode, '_key': 'abc'} IN %s" % COLLECTION_NAME
PARAMETER = {"firstname": "", "lastname": "", "email": "", "zipcode": ""}
INSERT_DATA = {"query": {"name": "insertRecord", "parameter": PARAMETER, "value": VALUE}}
GET_DATA = {"query": {"name": "getRecords", "value": "FOR doc IN %s RETURN doc" % COLLECTION_NAME}}
UPDATE_DATA = {"query": {"name": "updateRecord", "value": "UPDATE 'abc' WITH { \"lastname\": \"cena\" } IN %s" % COLLECTION_NAME }}
DELETE_DATA = {"query": {"name": "deleteRecord", "value": "REMOVE 'abc' IN %s" % COLLECTION_NAME}}
GET_COUNT = {"query": {"name": "countRecords", "value": "RETURN COUNT(FOR doc IN %s RETURN 1)" % COLLECTION_NAME}}
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("\n ------- CONNECTION SETUP ------")
print(f"tenant: {GUEST_MAIL}, geofabric:{GEO_FABRIC}")
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=HTTP_URL, port=443,
print("\n ------- CREATE GEO-REPLICATED COLLECTION ------")
if client.has_collection(COLLECTION_NAME):
print("Collection exists")
employees = client.create_collection(COLLECTION_NAME, stream=True)
print(f"Created collection: {COLLECTION_NAME}")
print("\n ------- CREATE RESTQLs ------")
client.create_restql(INSERT_DATA) # name: insertRecord
client.create_restql(GET_DATA) # name: getRecords
client.create_restql(UPDATE_DATA) # name: updateRecord
client.create_restql(DELETE_DATA) # name: deleteRecord
client.create_restql(GET_COUNT) # name: countRecords
print(f"Created RESTQLs:{client.get_restqls}")
print("\n ------- EXECUTE RESTQLs ------")
print("Insert data....")
response = client.execute_restql(
{"bindVars": {"firstname": "john", "lastname": "doe",
"email": "", "zipcode": "511037"}})
print("Get data....")
response = client.execute_restql("getRecords")
print("Update data....")
response = client.execute_restql("updateRecord")
print("Get data....")
response = client.execute_restql("getRecords")
print("Count records....")
response = client.execute_restql("countRecords")
print("Delete data....")
response = client.execute_restql("deleteRecord")
print("\n ------- DELETE RESTQLs ------")
print("\n ------- DONE ------")
const jsc8 = require("jsc8");
// Email and password to authenticate client instance
const email = "";
const password = "xxxxxx";
const fabric = "_system";
const client = new jsc8({
url: "",
fabricName: fabric
// Or use one of the following authentication methods and remove the commenting.
// Create an authenticated instance with a JWT token.
// const clientUsingJwt = new jsc8({url: "" , token: "XXXX" , fabricName: fabric});
// Create an authenticated instance with an API key.
// const clientUsingApiKey = new jsc8({url: "" , apiKey: "XXXX" , fabricName: fabric });
function messageHandler (error) {
const message = {
"StatusCode ": error.statusCode,
"ErrorMessage ": error.message,
"ErrorNum ": error.errorNum,
const collectionName = "employees";
const insertData =
"INSERT {'firstname':@firstname, 'lastname':@lastname, 'email':@email, 'zipcode':@zipcode, '_key': 'abc'} IN " +
const getData = "FOR doc IN " + collectionName + " RETURN doc";
const updateData =
"UPDATE 'abc' WITH {'lastname': @lastname } IN " + collectionName;
const deleteData = "REMOVE 'abc' IN " + collectionName;
const getCount = "RETURN COUNT(FOR doc IN " + collectionName + " RETURN 1)";
async function restqldemo () {
await client
.login(email, password)
.then(() => console.log("\n1. User authentication done!"))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n------- SAVING THE QUERIES ------");
await client
.createRestql("insertData", insertData, {})
.then((restQl) => {
console.log("2. " + + "query created.");
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
await client
.createRestql("getData", getData, {})
.then((restQl) =>
console.log("3. " + + "query created.")
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
await client
.createRestql("updateData", updateData, {})
.then((restQl) =>
console.log("4. " + + "query created.")
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
await client
.createRestql("deleteData", deleteData, {})
.then((restQl) =>
console.log("5. " + + "query created.")
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
await client
.createRestql("getCount", getCount, {})
.then((restQl) =>
console.log("6. " + + "query created.")
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
console.log("\n------- RUNNING THE QUERIES ------");
const bindVars = {
firstname: "john",
lastname: "doe",
email: "",
zipcode: "511037",
await client
.executeRestql("insertData", bindVars)
.then(() => console.log("\n7. Data inserted."))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
await client
.then((res) => {
console.log("\n8. getData query result: ");
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
await client
.executeRestql("updateData", { lastname: "mathews" })
.then(() => console.log("\n9. Data updated."))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
await client
.then((res) => {
console.log("\n10. Updated getData query output: ");
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
await client
.then((res) => {
console.log("\n11. Count: " + res.result);
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
await client
.then(() => console.log("\n12. DeleteData query executed."))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));
.then(console.log("Starting execution"))
.catch((error) => messageHandler(error));