The cache
extension provides a persistent cache per tenant.
The following functions are allowed:
cache:get("key") - gets a value per given "key"; cache:put("key", "value") - puts "key", "value"; cache:count() - counts the size of the cache; cache:delete("key") - deletes a cache for a given 'key"; cache:purge() - invalidates/purges the current cache.
Cache uses the following syntax:
cache:put("my_key", "my_value");
CREATE TRIGGER EventsPutTrigger WITH (interval=1 sec);
CREATE TRIGGER EventsGetTrigger WITH (interval=5 sec);
CREATE TABLE put_in_cache(value_is_put string);
CREATE TABLE get_from_cache(value string);
INSERT INTO put_in_cache
SELECT cache:put("my_key", "my_value") as value_is_put
FROM EventsPutTrigger;
INSERT INTO get_from_cache
SELECT cache:get("my_key") as value
FROM EventsGetTrigger;
Following document is saved every second in put_in_cache
{"value_is_put": "true"}
Following document is saved every five seconsd in get_from_cache
{"value": "my_value"}